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Hospital Donations
Below is a list of items that we routinely receive requests for. Please check back in with us as this list is updated periodically. Depending on the size of your donation, you can mail or deliver the items to our office.
Matchbox Cars
Newer Movies –Rate PG or G, DVDs
Children’s Underwear ALL Sizes
Children’s Socks ALL Sizes
Pajama’s –Boys and Girls ALL Sizes
Holiday Toy Drive
Every year Little Smiles collects new, unwrapped toys for area children in need. Contact us for a list of drop-off locations, or to sign up to host a collection box! All toys are welcome, especially gifts and gift cards for children aged 12 and up. Little Smiles also participates in several community events where toys are collected, you can keep up to date on our activities by visiting our events page.
Little Smiles collects items, certificates for services and gift cards valued at $50 or above for two fundraising auctions every year. Your donation towards these auctions goes a long way towards funding our work at area hospitals and shelters and ensuring that kids have the chance to be kids during difficult times.
If you would like a donation receipt for your donation it is important for you to provide your full contact information and confirm the value of the donation when it is made. Please contact us for more information.
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